Telephone MagnifiedTransmission Hologram

  • Telephone Hologram by Integraf
  • Telephone hologram with magnifying glass
  • Telephone and magnifying glass hologram

In this transmission hologram, view a telephone handset through a magnifying glass that actually works as if present. As you change viewing angle, so does the magnfication.

Item #H-PHONE810

This product has been discontinued
and is no longer available.

Demonstrate the Virtual Reality of Holograms

This transmission hologram lets students see a 3D virtual image of a magnifying lens in front of a telephone, and observe the lens working exactly as if it were really present. As you gaze into the virtual magnifying lens from various angles, different parts of the telephone keyboard appear magnified.

A must have for an holography lecture demonstration, this hologram demonstrates the multi-channel capacity of holograms and the unique characteristics of holograms.

The hologram is viewable with any laser or conveniently with our Integraf diode laser, which has an adjustable lens to spread the beam. The real image can be projected on a screen or wall, while the virtual image can be viewed with an expanded laser beam.

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